Do it yourself solar power is so easy anyone can do it

solar power costs

Remember to check This brief report if you are looking for facts on how to save on costs solar energy, prepare to be “enlightened”! I will be sharing many constructive advice on how you can “plug” your home to as many green energy that you want, and get paid for your efforts! Am I dreaming? Indulge me a bit – Scan the following information.

What is the point of spending your hard earned money so clean electricity, green (and free) energy can be yours with a simple solar set-up, right on your own roof or elsewhere on your property? I am please to report that it is not expensive solar was the most common on luxury homes in the “dark ages” (a A few years ago!), But now things are different.

You may be wondering how I found it all. I started by doing what you do – Surf the Web to find out how to save on the cost of solar energy and it seemed to me that tens of thousands people across the country, and several other countries have been enjoying the benefits of a system that allows them to transform energy Solar electricity use almost instantly. I wanted to know more about it, and he was happy to learn that it can be done I would call that a price discount and that everyone I repeat: everyone can afford. It seems that finally there is a breakthrough in this area allows us to have lots of clean, green energy – it will always be there for you.

Even if you are simply concerned about how to save on energy costs sun, take a few moments to obtain evidence that all this is true – with this method, you will have an infinite supply of free electricity, and you can finally be free of costly electric bills that you will not need any electricity supplier for the energy your family needs. Another advantage is that it is commonplace to actually get paid by the local power company for excess power that you create. There is another aspect to this that I want to draw your attention – turning sunlight into electricity that you do your part to save the earth for future generations.

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World Globe Map


I have been fascinated with world globes and maps for as long as I can remember. I think that it all started when I was three or four. I went into my father’s study looking for him. His study was a place that had always fascinated me. It was full of old, dusty objects that I did not understand. He had shelves and shelves of books, and I used to daydream about what could be in them. My dad was always willing to explain things to me, but when I asked about his world globe map, he demurred. He would not tell me what it was. He seemed to be thinking. Finally, holding it out of reach, he told me that it was a map of the world. I asked excitedly to see it, but he would not let me. Then he asked me a question. “What do you think the world looks like,” he asked?

I remember exactly what I said. I had a friend who had described an antique world globe map to me, dragons and all. Although I knew that one did not run into dragons every day, I was quite sure that they existed in the oceans, as well as on other continents. I began describing all the fantastic creatures that I believed existed on world globe maps. My father listened patiently, gravely even. He never corrected me. He never tried to dispel my illusions about maps of the world, nor did he participate in my game of imagination. He simply listens to me until I was done creating my fantastic world globe map.

When I finished, he took me into my own bedroom. He pulled out my box of crayons, and said one word to me. “Draw,” he said, and smiled. I began to draw my world globe map. I was constantly frustrated by the fact that I could not include everything that I imagined, but nonetheless I continued. Soon I had an entire continent, then two. This was the beginning of my love affair with maps.

Since then, any picture of the globe that I see fascinates me. Rather than teaching me the shape of the continents and the layout of the world globe map, my father taught me something even more important. He taught me to use my own imagination and come to my own conclusions. He taught me that the world is a place full of wonder, even if that wonder does not show up clearly on every world globe map. It is a lesson I will never forget.…

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Let’s Talk Social Media. I Really Want to Know!

Over the past couple of years I have been doing all of the things that everyone says you should when it comes to building a life coaching business. “Social Media is the way to go to get the word out” everyone tells me. I was excited when I hit the 1000th post several months back. But then something happened that made me stop and rethink what I was doing.

This past Friday I posted a quick update about upcoming events that I have coming and included the opportunity for people to sign up for my newsletter. To sweeten that deal I offered the first chapter of my upcoming book for free. I was clear that unlike other things you sign up for I would only send things out once or twice a month. Over 700 people saw or read that article and the total number of people who signed up was…ZERO. Disappointing. The response may be as simple as people not being interested or that they get too much information already. I will be spending some time thinking about how to better communicate with everyone who is following me in one form or another. I truly appreciate you reading my stuff and your kind comments.

This past week was important because it made me stop and think about the idea that maybe social media is no longer the way to get the word out about what I do. Several friends offered helpful insight into this but today I want to ask you to take a moment to answer the 5 questions below. It will take you less than a minute. Tell me your feelings about social media, how much you get and how it applies to businesses. If you have anything else you want to share please to that in the comments area or send me an email.

I appreciate your time. Next week I will be doing a 5 day series of posts entitled “How to Beat the Holiday Blues” I hope you will find it helpful. Have a great day, please take the survey and don’t forget: Life is a journey, not a destination!…

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Organize the priority of network connection is Windows

In nowadays pretty much all computers, even laptops, come by default with multiple network adapters. In this tutorial I will explain and guide you how to manage the order of which the applications installed on your, Windows XP powered, computer to use these network adapters. For the purposes of this tutorial we have used Windows XP computer sith Service Pack 3. These instructions however are valid for Windows2003 Server, WindowsVista and Windows7 also. The main difference is just the approach to get to the fist step. Besides that the options are present in all operating systems offered by Microsoft Corporation.

So the first step as we have mentioned is to get to the Network Connection screen. In Windows XP the quickest way to get there is by right clicking on the desktop icon which says My Network Places and the go to Properties menu option. Another way is from Start -> Settings -> Network Connections.

Once you open the network connections you will see the list of connections configured in your Windows XP. From the top navigation menus you should go to Advanced -> Advanced Settings. You have probably never seen this option there even that it is available from quite some time. Do not worry it was a nice surprise to me too when I have discovered it at first place

Once the Advanced Settings dialog window opens in the first section in the Adapters and Bindings tab you will see the list of the network connection available in Windows. In our example I wish that all applications on my computer try to use my LAN connection if it is present. This way I will guarantee a better security and higher speed that with the Wireless. To setup my Local Area Connection to be the fist in the list I had to click on the connection and than use the arrows at the right side of this panel to push it to the top.

Once the connection you prefer is at the top of the list you can organize the way the other connections are. Once you are ready with organizing the priority of network connections you need to confirm the changes with the OK button. The settings immediately take place so no restarts are needed.

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Wisdom From The Ninja Village: Keep Going

Personal Development

As a student of the Bujinkan for the last 8 years or so, I’ve benefited much from the training. The word Bujinkan means the Training Hall of the Warrior Spirit, and is a Japanese martial arts organization composed of 9 schools of traditional Japanese martial arts, 3 of which were ninjutsu schools.

A powerful lesson that’s stuck in my head through the years was something I first read from The Grandmaster’s Book of Ninja Training by our grandmaster, sōke Masaaki Hatsumi:

People create all their barriers for themselves. It’s really such a foolish thing to do. We create our own obstacles and lose our own way in the search for truth. So it represents no barrier for me now. All that it’s necessary to do when one faces a barrier is just keep walking, paying it no attention. Just keep going, keep walking, and the obstacles disappear! In my case, when I appear to be in trouble and I think I won’t make it, I just keep walking. And so it continues, even today.

The character for the word nin in ninja means ‘to endure’ or ‘to persevere’. It combines the character for knife on top of the character for heart, it means to go on despite having your heart under the knife!

Thus, a ninja is somebody who perseveres with his heart’s intentions even under threat or pressure.

This ninja philosophy is really simple to remember, and is summed up in 2 words: keep going.

Which sounds surprisingly like what another master martial artist, Bruce Lee, said (from the book The Warrior Within: The Philosophies of Bruce Lee):

It’s just a case of learning to look at hardship as if today the rain is coming on strong, but tomorrow, baby, the sun is going to come out again.

And in a letter Bruce sent to one of his closest friends while the latter was going through a profound hardship:

Life is an ever-flowing process and somewhere on the path some unpleasant things will pop up – it might leave a scar – but then life is flowing on, and like running water, when it stops, it grows stale. Go bravely on, my friend, because each experience teaches us a lesson.…

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